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Booze and you: Give your new year the right beginning..

Give your new year the right beginning… May this year bring you all that you wish for, along with loads of health and happiness. As we leave 2021 behind, we take with us many new learnings, lots of memories, the experience of living amid a pandemic, and hopefully, no hangover.

Booze and you: FAQs about alcohol consumption

Q1. Alcohol makes me feel warmer. Isn’t it good to take it during winters?

Alcohol expands your blood vessels, increasing the amount of blood flowing through your skin. This makes you feel warmer for some time. But in reality, the warmth of the flowing blood leaves your body, dropping your core temperature. This may increase the risk of hypothermia in which your temperature can fall to dangerously low levels.

Q2. Is dehydration the only reason why people get hangovers?

Not really! The symptoms of hangover occur because alcohol not only dehydrates you but also disrupts your electrolyte balance and may even interfere with your immune and brain activity. All these lead to increased thirst, headaches, dizziness, nausea and temporary problems with concentration. Did everything to get rid of that hangover headache but nothing seems to work? Consult an expert right away.


Q3. How can I drink without getting drunk?

1. Don’t overdo it:

Recommended limits say that men should drink no more than 2 units in a day while women should drink only 1 unit in a day. (1 unit = 10 ml or 8g of pure alcohol).

2. Drink slowly: Instead of shots, go for the drinks that you can sip through. On average, an adult takes around 1 hour to process 1 unit of alcohol so that there is none left in the blood. Drinking accordingly will prevent hangovers and drunkenness.

3. Munch on snacks:

Eating before and while drinking reduces the amount of alcohol your body absorbs. Looking for healthy snacks to enjoy at the new year party? Explore our best range of healthy snacks and keep that hangover away.


4. Have plenty of water between your drinks: This will keep you hydrated throughout and after the party, reducing the risk of a hangover.

Q4. How can I manage the hangover?

1. Gulp down fluids: Sipping on water, soups or fresh juices help flush out the toxins and relieve your hangover.

2. Carb-up for energy:

Drinking interrupts your sugar levels, making you feel tired and fatigued. Eat some carbs like toast or a glass of juice to beat the lethargy and rejuvenate yourself.

3. Drink a cup of tea or coffee:

Caffeine won’t make the hangover disappear magically, but will just work as an energy tonic. Remember, coffee can make you pee more, so do keep drinking water to prevent dehydration from worsening.


4. Follow the dos and don’ts of medicines:

You can take ibuprofen for the hangover headache and overall achy feelings. Avoid taking paracetamol. Antacids can be of great help if you have an upset stomach or acidity.

5. Avoid taking “hair of the dog”:

It means taking another drink in the morning after the drinking party to help cure the hangover. It doesn’t work. It could instead make it harder to get rid of the hangover symptoms.

I don’t want to kill your buzz, but remember, the best way to remain hangover-free and healthy is by avoiding alcohol altogether.
Let’s welcome 2022 with a burst of energy. A very happy new year to you!

Remember, there is no safe level of drinking alcohol. And, even the recommended levels do not guarantee safety for all people at all times.

Credits: Tata1mg