Posted on March 31, 2011 at 11:45 am
Dear Readers,
Sai Ram. Here is an update on Swami’s health.
As was announced earlier, Swami had a pacemaker implanted on the evening of Monday, March 28. Following this, on March 29, Radio Sai broadcast a statement released by Dr. A. N. Safaya, Director, Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Medical Sciences, Prashanti Gram. As we said then, the procedure was completely successful, Swami was doing fine, and also had a good night’s rest.
We did not broadcast any subsequent bulletins because the hospital authorities assured us that all Swami needed now was some good rest and of course, in a sterile atmosphere.
Meanwhile, we have received numerous enquiries expressing great concern and anxiety, which is perfectly understandable. By way of reassuring all devotees and also by way of strongly refuting the flood of baseless rumours floating all over on various media, Radio Sai wishes to make the following categorical announcement:
1. After the procedure on March 28, senior doctors are on constant attendance. (It may be recalled that Dr. Venugopal performed the first and the historic surgery on the morning of 22nd November 1991, immediately following the inauguration of Swami’s hospital in Puttaparthi by the then Prime Minister Mr. P. V. Narasimha Rao.) Dr. Venugopal came here to personally make sure that all that ought to be done is being done. The unanimous opinion is that the more the rest that Bhagawan gets, the faster would be the recovery. |
In view of this, we earnestly appeal to one and all to continue offering prayers of Love emanating from the Heart. And kindly,PLEASE DO NOT send e-mails to each other based on all kinds of unfounded rumours, of which there are more than what we need.
Let us not spend our time and energy gathering news from any source possible most of which we know is unauthentic and baseless. Instead let us spend every second in prayer, meditation and most important practising His teachings.
God, who is above TIME, wears a human form to be amongst us not only to shower His Love and Grace, but also to show us how to sanctify Time. This is the hour when, if we are really serious and concerned about our dearest Swami, we must do what pleases Him most.
And what is it that pleases Swami the most? Let us listen to this:
Let us all remember that Swami is in every being. Let us broaden our hearts and serve Him by reaching out to the needy. This is what will make our Swami most happy.
Let us think of Him constantly to the exclusion of everything else. Let us love Him more than we have ever done before. Let us pray to Him to return to good health so that He is with us, amongst us, in the ashram.
Thank you very much. Sairam.
Radio Sai Team.